Welcome to the 4.0 Cellar Scoop!
Welcome to the 4.0 Cellar Scoop! While Carl Hudson’s articles share useful and interesting details about the wines and varietals that we feature at 4.0 and about winemaking in general, I’m going to be sharing an insider’s look “behind the scenes” at 4.0. Who are we? What makes 4.0 special? And what are we up to these days? You’ll find it all here….
And who am I exactly? Well, I’ll drop some hints in my articles, but you’ll have to come visit all of us at 4.0 to find out. J
For this first article, I want to talk about staff meetings. Most of us have sat through staff meetings…and I’m guessing that most of us would describe them as dreary at best and mind-numbing or even infuriating at worst. When I was a teacher, I sat through (and sometimes even led…yikes) many staff meetings that basically amounted to most of us watching the clock (and lamenting all that lost time that could have been so much better used).
Not so at 4.0! Our staff meetings are times for us to socialize as colleagues and friends and hear about exciting changes that impact our work with our members and guests. But most important, our staff meetings are WINE TASTINGS. Yep, we get to stand on the other side of the bar and enjoy, learn about, and discuss our newest wines. Not bad at all!
And if tasting our fabulous wines wasn’t enough, we also get DINNER. Our esteemed leader, 4.0 GM Jesse Barter, not only knows his way around a winery, but he’s also a trained chef. So, we eat really well….and this isn’t limited to just staff meetings. You should see how we eat on Saturdays! Jesse even finds ways to accommodate our non-meat-eating staff members (also known as “bad hunters” around 4.0).
During our last staff meeting, Carl guided us through a tasting of our February Wine Club wines. We talked about their aromas and flavors and shared possible food pairings. Of course, we all found our favorites, which we promptly enjoyed with our dinner: beef stew, salad, yummy bread, and Valentine’s cupcakes (not homemade, but good nonetheless).
This last staff meeting was particularly special because we got to tour our new event space…but more on that later. Until then, I hope to find you at 4.0 trying our newest wines!