Caution! Fun Times Ahead!
I still use a paper planner. I’ve tried using the calendar tool on my laptop and an app on my phone, but being able to flip through the pages of my planner appeals to me. I’ve kept my planners over the years and enjoy looking back through them to find notes that I jotted in them and contact information for people I met along the way. My planners are my diaries, marking how I’ve spent my time and tracking my work days and social life.
Years from now, when I look back through my planner for 2020, I’ll likely wonder why I bothered purchasing it. Beginning on Friday, March 13, it’s a collection of scratch outs and Xs noting cancelled (or postponed and then cancelled) soccer games, school events, meetings, fundraisers, work, trips (including, sadly, a big one to Germany), church events, doctor and vet appointments, and parties. So many happenings that didn’t happen. In their places: lots of Zooms.
Our 4.0 calendar has looked pretty similar to my personal planner. While we managed to pull off Club Sundays in June, pretty much every other event since mid-March has been cancelled (we missed you, Wags & Wine, April Club Sundays, Wine & Wildflower Brunch & Learn, and Annual Wine Club Dinner!). But with the governor’s and TABC’s recent loosening of restrictions and more and more people wanting to “get out,” we’re busy planning events, a couple repeats and a new one, in October. You best make your reservations ASAP so you don’t miss out on the fun!
Sunday, October 11, 12:00-2:00: You really don’t want to miss our Annual Wine and Dine Showcase. I don’t know how long we’ve been holding this event, but it’s been at least six years…and this is one of my favorites. If food and wine are your jam, then this one is for you. We pair six of our wines with six small plates expertly prepared by the chefs at My Own Chef catering. This is a ticketed event ($45/person, $35 if you’re a Wine Club member), and the tickets will sell fast. Don’t dawdle!
Sunday, October 25, 1:00-4:00: This one’s for your dogs, but you’ll have a blast, too. Join us for our annual Howl-o-Ween celebration, including a dog Halloween costume contest (at 2:30) and our yearly SPCA adoption event. The best part? 15% of wine sales during the event goes to the SPCA, so you can have fun and do good at the same time. Plus, well, lots of DOGS. Win-win-win! Feel free to dress up with your dog for extra fun. This one’s an open event…no ticket needed. Just show up!
Finally, be on the lookout for information coming soon about a NEW Halloween event to be held on Saturday, October 31. Hint: It involves CANDY.
Because a paper calendar of events makes no sense at this time (if you know how the next few months will shake out, please get in touch!), visit our website to find out about upcoming events: /Calendar. And be sure to reserve your spots quickly so you don’t miss any of the fun!