4.0 Celebrates Dogs
We love having dogs at 4.0. Our hostesses keep a jar of dog treats at their stand, and we know many of our club members’ dogs by name. On a typical spring Saturday, it’s not unusual to find staff members starting the day with a friendly bet: How many dogs will we see today? 12? 15? 20? Usually, the biggest number wins.
On Sunday, March 24, we hosted a great variety of dogs (and their people) at our annual Wags and Wine event. This is an event that I never miss, whether I’m working or not. The last time I attended as a guest, I brought all three of our dogs. When I wasn’t looking, our youngest and largest decided to go for a swim in one of the water troughs. This is the same dog that won the silliest costume contest at our Howl-o-ween event when I dressed him up as a unicorn with a rainbow tutu.
This year, I got to work at an outside bar and had a front row seat for the canine fun. Big dogs, small dogs, loud dogs, and shy dogs…we had them all. Some were familiar, and others were visiting 4.0 for the first time. It was a pretty spring day, and the patio was full.
The Hill Country SPCA, located here in Fredericksburg, brought five dogs that are up for adoption, and as of this writing, one of them found his forever home. His sweet face and soulful eyes won over a gal from San Antonio who was celebrating a friend’s birthday at 4.0.
At the end of the day, Opie won the door prize and got to take a basketful of “dog loot” home. His person was very excited. But even more exciting is the fact that we got to write a $600 check to the SPCA based on our sales for the day (a percentage of our Wags and Wine sales goes to the SPCA). It was an all-around great day to be a dog (or a dog lover) at 4.0.
So, grab a dog, and come on out to our patio. The water bowls are full, the weather is fine, and the wine is fabulous!