“4.0 Is Our Constant”: Meet the Dionnes (the second in our series about our Wine Club members)
I can’t recall the first time I served Dave and Laurie Dionne, but I know it was a while ago. They’ve been 4.0 members since February 2014, and I joined the 4.0 team later that year in August…so we must go back a ways.
When I asked Dave if they’d like to be “my next subjects,” he didn’t hesitate, and I love his version of how they found 4.0. So here it is in Dave’s words (and this sounds just like him):
“In the spring of 2013, Laurie and I were in Fredericksburg looking for land to build our ‘Dream Home.’ It did not take us long to find our special spot. Our next goal was to look for a place to celebrate. A quick left up 1631 leaving our new property and a right on Jung road and we had another decision to make at 290. I said right and Laurie said left, so left it was. 100 yards down the road we found 4.0 and the rest, as the say, ‘is history.’”
Dave and Laurie rarely miss a 4.0 event. They count Casino Night (for case club members) and Club Sundays as their favorites (they love to meet other members), but they’ve also enjoyed many of our food events, including our chuck wagon brunch and our paella cooking class. If you don't recognize these events, it’s because they were a while ago…maybe we should bring them back!
When asked to name their favorite 4.0 wines, they listed Brennan’s Buffalo Roam, Lost Oak’s Crimson Oak, McPherson’s Sangiovese, and Brennan’s Tempranillo. But I know that they never pass up a glass (or bottle) of Brennan’s Winemaker when they can get it.
I was hoping that Dave would mention dogs when he responded to my questions for this post. And sure enough, he did. When they’re not drinking wine at 4.0, Dave and Laurie enjoy food (paired with wine, of course) and playing with their dogs. This we have in common, and we often end up sharing dog stories when they visit the Cellars. My favorite of their dog stories is about the time they found a dog at Mardi Gras and brought it home with them. This, to me, is a true sign of good people.
Though they’ve been in many wine clubs, 4.0 has been their “one constant” because they feel as though they’re part of the family here…and they are! Dave and Laurie, we’re mighty glad you found your way from New England to the Texas Hill Country and 4.0…and we hope you’ll stay a long while!